Hi There!

I'm a triathlete, I'm a grad student, and I forget I have a blog frequently!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Johnny's 5 miler

I was excited all week for Johnny's Runnin' of the Green today, and I'm happy to say that everything panned out well! I've never written a race report before, but I think now's a good time to start.

My parents arrived at our apartment at about 9:40 (I have awesome parents, and they try to make it to as many of my events as they can!). We decided to take only one care, they said they didn't mind waiting for my second lap through the course, which made me happy. It's always nice to not have to drive yourself home after a race.

The race plan given by Mary was to run the first mile hard, but at a sustainable pace, then run the rest at that pace +/- 10 seconds.

We arrived at the start about 35 minutes early, and I found Mary, and Alexa and the rest of the team. We all went out for a quick warm up run, and Mary made fun of me for wearing pants, and arm warmers, and a second shirt, but was comforted to learn that I was planning on running in shorts. I had expected it to be cooler than it was, and was thinking that I may need my arm warmers, and hat, but after the warm-up, I decided I definitely didn't. I went to line up for the start, and was pretty near the front. I found Amanda and wished her luck, then tried to get closer to the front. Didn't work. Everyone that was along the side was pushed in towards the front, pushing me back. Oh well. The gun went off, and I stood still. Finally everything started moving, and I started my watch as I actually crossed the line. I worked my way through the first mile as well as I could, but it wasn't easy. Everything cleared up a lot towards Ford St, and I hit my stride really well. I actually had to force myself to dial it back, when I felt like I was pushing it too hard. I crossed mile one with a pace around 6:40 (btw, that's not much slower than my 5k PR pace, so something in this training is definitely working!). So my pace for the race would be 6:30-6:50.

For the most part, I felt really strong, and fell into a good rhythm. I was able to catch myself when I was pushing it trying to race a little too much and settle back into my pace. I also did really well not checking my watch (this is normally a compulsion for me, so you should be impressed). I saw Turbeau  heading back as I passed the U of R football field, and gave him a little cheer. He doesn't really know me, and was definitely in the zone, so he didn't seem to notice. I hit the turn and felt amazing, and used the downhill to pick up a little free speed. A little while later I passed Alexa heading up, and gave her a cheer, she looked really good. Then I saw Mary, and cheered for her (I like cheering!).

At that point I started looking for Amanda. She's been working hard getting ready for this race, and has been doing really well. She also had some pretty big goals, she wanted to go under 45 minutes, which is huge for her. I saw her as I passed by the football field again, and gave her a big smile and cheer. She looked great, really really strong, and she called out to me that so far she was averaging 8:40s. That made me really happy, and put some more pep in my step as I refocused on the finishing miles. Checking my watch at each mile, I was happy to see that I wasn't straying too far from my pace range. I just felt in the zone, and I'm hoping that becomes a familiar feeling as the season goes on.

One thing that I'm really happy about is that besides being out kicked in the last few feet by some kid with super long legs, no one passed me after mile 2. I usually take things out a little too fast, and end up slowing and getting reeled in towards the end.

I was happy to get a good cheer from the fleet feet crew (Thanks Ellen and Shawn!) as I passed by Corn Hill Landing, and started picking up the pace for a strong finish. I saw my parents jsut before the finish and gave them as big a smile as I could as I passed. I ended up crossing the line at an official time of 33:21, and a watch time of 33:04. Good for an average pace around 6:40s. It was good for an overall place of 100, and an age group place of 12. Which is great for me in running races. I'm not the strongest runner, but I'm getting there!

I went back and found my parents, and began looking for my friends, and Amanda to come through. I kept looking back at the clock, and then as far down the road as I could see trying to spot her. The minutes passed 41 minutes, and I started getting nervous. I could see way up the street, and I hadn't seen her coming yet. Then I noticed her, she had unzipped her jacket, and hidden behind someone! She came through 42:48 for an 8:34 pace! I was so proud of her! I went and congratulated her, and we went and found my parents again.

I started to look around for the rest of my team to head back out for our second lap. I couldn't find them though, I eventually gave up, and started off on my own. I'm really bad at finding people in crowds. I finally saw them just before the turn around. I ran back nice and steady. I didn't really look at my watch at all, and as a consequence, I pushed it maybe a little harder than I should have. I think a lot of it is a consequence of racing, the cool down pace just felt so amazingly slow, that I had trouble maintaining it.

All in all, it was a very successful day! After the race my parents took us out for lunch (free meals are always welcome!) and we headed to Webster, because we found out that an adoptable dog that we have thought about looking at was at the Pet Smart there. She was so cute!!!! If she's still available after we find out exxactly what our grad school plans, and housing situation will be next year, we're definitely getting her. Preston needs a sister/friend. Plus, how awesome would it be for both of us to take our doggies for runs this summer? Amazingly awesome. That's all I have for today. I'm quite proud of myself, and super proud of Amanda!

134 days to go!


  1. Amanda is so sweet, she cheered for me! I'm glad that both of you ran to well!! :)

  2. Congrats to you on a great race and Amanda too!!
